Golf Smarter

Swinging a Golf Club Shouldn’t Hurt! DJ Watts Can Fix That with His Mechanically Correct Swing



690: DJ Watts hits the ball very long, at his intended target, and does it pain free! That’s because he has mastered and teaches what he calls “MCS” or a Mechanically-Correct Swing. He’s studied the swing for years and even though he may not be on the same page as classically trained instructors, his students prefer his results to what they usually hear. Find DJ’s blog and videos at or on social media @wattsathletix.  This week on Golf Smarter Mulligans, published each Friday, we have a conversation with Jim Delaby on how the average golfer can get into the zone, super zone or no-zone. Subscribe to Golf Smarter Mulligans for free wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts or at Smarter Mulligans is supported by who can help you find the lowest rate possible for your next car rental. Golf Smarter Mulligans is also brought to you by where you can buy premium used golf balls, with little to no discernible difference, and at a f