Golf Smarter

Inside the Ropes with PGA Tour Pros on Dealing with Success & Failure



727: Cary Valentine joins us for the third consecutive year sharing exclusive interviews with PGA Tour Pros while they were playing in Hawaii. In Part 1 we hear from Graham McDowell, Paul Azinger, Fabian Gomez, and Anibar Lahiri talking about their mental game, being in the zone, falling out of the zone, advice for amateurs and more. Cary is a mental game coach, author and motivational speaker. Find out more on his methods and insights at championyourinnergame.comThis week on Golf Smarter Mulligans, published each Friday, one of our favorite instructors ever Jim Waldron of Balance Point Golf Schools joins us for his first ever appearance on Golf Smarter. Subscribe to Golf Smarter Mulligans for free wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts or at Smarter Mulligans is brought to you by where you can buy premium used golf balls, with little to no discernible difference, and at a fraction of the cost of new balls. Use “golfsmarter” at checkout to get an