Mantra, Kirtan And Stotra: Sanskrit Chants

Group Mudita chants Hari Om Namah Shivaya Om



This song is performed by Group Mudita and was part of a concert held in Bad-Meinberg. Hari Om is sometimes used as a greeting, but can also be chanted. It could be loosely translated as "I greet the divine in you. I turn to you with love." OM comes from the Vedanta tradition and stands for Cosmic Unity. By greeting each other with Om, one is aware that both are ultimately one. The selves of both who greet each other are one. And the whole world you are in is a cosmic whole. Hari comes from the Bhakti tradition, especially Vaishnavism. Hari is an epithet of Vishnu and also of Krishna. Hari stands for a personal reference to God. By including Hari in the greeting, one expresses: May God's blessing be on our connection. May we dedicate everything to God. God dwells in your heart. He meets me in you You can share the audio with others, to spread love and harmony.