Resolution Foundation Podcasts

Making Greater Manchester great again: What is GM’s plausible path to greater prosperity?



Greater Manchester has long been centre-stage in visions of a more geographically equal country – from the Northern Powerhouse to levelling up. But the rhetoric has outpaced the reality: productivity and wages across the city region remain 10 and 4 per cent below the national average. What it would take for Greater Manchester to become a much richer city – and who would benefit from such a transformation – is a central theme of the Economy 2030 Inquiry, a major project by the Resolution Foundation and LSE into what a new economic strategy for the UK might look like. Britain as a whole, not just the city itself, need a more successful Greater Manchester. But that will require significant change – on everything from housing and transport to how land is used and the jobs people do. What would a more productive Greater Manchester look like? Is there a plausible strategy for the city to reach that point – and how does it differ from what is currently in train? What difference will recent public transport improveme