How Do We Fix It?

Polarization: My Side Is Wrong. Jim & Richard



Have you ever been asked by a political opponent to describe what's wrong or weak about your own side's arguments? That's what Richard and Jim do here. This episode could have been ripped from a Braver Angels training seminar, but to our knowledge, no other podcast has tried this before.Liberal-leaning Richard takes on three hot topics, picked by Jim, where the left is wrong. Jim does the same thing for his side, discussing three examples picked by Richard.The ground rules are simple: No "your-side-ism". When describing the failings of their own side neither host was allowed to criticize their opponents. If they do, a loud bell rings. Listen to find out how many times the darn thing goes off!The six topics are: - Liberals try to do too much and as a result their policies backfire. - Conservatives fail to challenge populism, Donald Trump, and stand up for democracy. - The left hugely underestimates the cost of their spending programs. - The right ignores the hu