Broads And Books

25: Back to School



It's time. So Erin and Amy recommend some picks that are all about adolescence and learning. But we couldn't miss the opportunity to talk about our love of school supplies, terrible run-ins with bulimic class salamanders and concussed hamsters, and how our adolescent dreams of adulthood have proven quite wrong. Plus, Erin comes in HOT with a few people and things in her burn book. Free Book It pizza for all! __________Our picks this week: Novels:Amy: Push, SapphireErin: Mrs. Everything, Jennifer WeinerOther Books:Amy: Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking, Susan Cain (Non-fiction)Erin: Spoiled Brats, Simon Rich (Short story collection)Pop Culture:Amy: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV)Erin: Trophy Kids (TV, Documentary) __________Like what you hear? Subscribe to Broads and Books wherever you get your podcasts. And hey -- be a pal. Give us a rating and review while you're there! Plus: Send us your ideas and challenges, and you could be featured on a future episode!  B