Broads And Books

41: Treat Yo' Self



What time is it? Time to TREAT YO' SELF. Holiday season can be stressful AF. So we're offering you some picks that are just damn fun and satisfying. Along the way, Erin and Amy propose new holidays to treat your damn self, propose a write-in mayoral campaign for Erin, and set up the newest franchise for Real Housewives, with Podcat as chief shit stirrer. Plus: Have you visited our shelf at Plain Talk Books? If you're in Iowa, get over there!_____Our picks this week: Novels:Amy: The Girl Who Would Be King, Kelly ThompsonErin: The Arrangement, Sarah DunnOther Books:Amy: Tequila Mockingbird, Tim Federle AND Free the Tipple, Jennifer Croll (Nonfiction)Erin: Furiously Happy, Jenny Lawson(Humor, Essays)Pop Culture:Amy: Singles (Movie)Erin: The Real Housewives (TV)_____Like what you hear? Subscribe to Broads and Books wherever you get your podcasts. And hey -- be a pal. Give us a rating and review while you're there! Plus: Send us your ideas and challenges, and you could be featured on a future e