Broads And Books

BONUS! The Broads' play the Ride or Die Game



Yesterday, we talked about relationships gone bad. Today, we're testing our own relationship. And our ride-or-die-ness? SOLID GOLD. Listen as we play our own version of the Newlywed Game, predicting how the other will answer the most ridiculous of questions. Follow along below: How would the other Broad get out of a bad date? What would the other Broad do if she saw a bike being stolen? What personal characteristic drives the other Broad crazy? If the other Broad went to a mall, where would she go first? The other Broad is an animal. What would she be? If the other Broad was a book character, who would she be? If the other Broad had to lead a group of people to apocalypse survival, what would be her strength and weakness? Planning a party for the other Broad: what would be the theme? The other Broad only has one type of clothes. What would it be? What three things would the other Broad bring to a deserted island? How likely is it the other Broad would survive apocalypse? Would the other Broad survive a T