Medical Astrology & Crystals Insights

Chakradance ' Move your chakras, change your life' with Catherine Galea



Welcome to another episode of the Wake Up ⏰️ Call show today we have the beautiful Catherine Galea from Cyprus as a guest. Catherine is an Award Winning Coach, Mindfulness Teacher, EFT Practitioner and Chakradance Facilitator.   She is passionate about empowering children to become empowered adults by teaching them life skills that boost their confidence, resilience and  wellbeing. Catherine support parents to ease the stresses of raising up kids by making growing up calmer and happier. As a mum, she totally gets the  the ups and downs of raising a child!  She uses the power of Chakradance, a transformative movement modality helping people especially women who are self critical, lack self worth ad self love  to heal and  shift their beliefs and their deep wounds so they can  build their self confidence. Chakradance combines  psychology and the wisdom eastern philosophies through Jung’s work, spontaneous dance, sound, and creativity.  Also, as an Award Winning Coach I help High Achievers who are sleep w