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PHILEMON - pt1- PHILEMON - A Story of Forgiveness, Restoration, & Reconciliation



In “Philemon – A Story of Forgiveness, Restoration, & Reconciliation”, Rodney shares that true faith is expressed in actions, not just words. True faith is more than just intellectual ascent or emotional stirrings, faith should produce the fruits of righteousness. Far too often, the church has requested too little of people who call Jesus, Lord. Much of the churches anemic condition is it has not been challenged to live up to the life Christ Jesus has called Christians to live. The story of Philemon and Onesimus is a challenge to every Christian to live kindly, and be useful for the Lord. Expressions of kindness, generosity, and usefulness flow from our love for one another. Love is always personal. Imagine a church filled with kind and useful people. When it is people are filled with joy. The apostle Paul is confident the grace of Christ shown in Philemon will prevail, and go above and beyond what is required because that is what love does. On some level we are like Onesimus, and in Christ, we