Gary Renard Podcast

Gary Renard Podcast - ep056



Episode 56: The "Out With 2015, In With 2016" Podcast – Gary and Gene begin this end-of-2015 into-2016 episode with a look back at Gary's extensive travels to the Orient over the past year: visiting a number of countries in Asia where he and Cindy brought the message of A Course in Miracles to large numbers of people, many of them entirely new to the Course's teachings. Gary notes how important it is that new students of the Course get started with an accurate assessment of what the Course is saying, instead of starting off the process with major misunderstandings of what should be basic principles. — The conversation then moves into a very thorough, extended discussion of a number of current would-be "teachers" of ACIM who completely misrepresent the actual teachings of the Course, while claiming to present "improved" or "corrected" versions of Jesus' intended curriculum. Gary makes some eye-opening points that clarify a great many areas of controversy. He also explain