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TIMING SET UP OR SETBACK TO SUCCESS- pt1 - Timing - Set Up Or Setback To Success



In “Timing – Set Up or Setback to Success”, Rodney shares that To experience success in life, business, relationships, or even your spiritual walk, understanding and embracing the truth about this contributing factor is essential, “Timing, Timing, Timing”! Think of the millions of decisions you have made over your lifetime. How many do you wish you could change, or do over? How many of those negative outcomes might have been different if you had better timing? Concerning your leadership, success in life, ministry, or business you must be willing to wait, and know when to act. Learning the importance of timing will help you make the right decision at the right time. Much success can be attributed to being at the right place, with the right people, at the right time. The opportunity of a lifetime must be seized in the lifetime of the opportunity. Today is the right time to master timing. This could be the difference between your unfulfilled dreams, and seeing God’s will unfold in your life. Right timi