Evolved Finance

TBL Episode 220: Jordan Duvall - Founder of Ignite Your Soul Brand



“When I was younger I always wanted to save the money and then buy the thing. Now as a business owner sometimes that's challenging. Sometimes there's just things you need to do in your business that require a “now” moment.” This week, Parker chats with Jordan Duvall about her financial journey. Jordan works with women-led personal brands to create dynamic visual brands that get them noticed so they can position themselves for next-level impact and income. She is an award-winning creative director who has worked for top Los Angeles entertainment advertising agencies, The Ant Farm, BLT & Associates, NBC & Universal and has consulted for celebrities, networks and some of the world’s most recognized brands. Her work has been used to market blockbuster hits such as Lord of the Rings, Spider-Man, and The Voice. Jordan is the founder of Ignite Your Soul Brand, a consulting company that combines big agency strategy with neuro linguistic programming, ancient wisdom and color energetics so that business owners