Broad Appeal

Male Gayz: Ed Wood - BA025



Remember when Tim Burton & Johnny Depp actually made good movies? None of them was ever better than ED WOOD, about a real-life transvestite filmmaker who made movies so bad they're actually amazing. Confused? Just put on a pink angora sweater and cuddle up with someone you love for the next installment of our Male Gayz miniseries, one of the weirdest, most touching Hollywood biopics ever. Although sci-fi tends to leave Brian cold (cf. the previous episode), Ed's earnestness and creative passion have always made this film one of his favorites. Continuing in the vein of camp and cross-dressing, he tries to recruit Seán into the cult. Will he succeed? As Bela Lugosi would say, PULL THE STRINGS! Clips from the film presented according to fair use policy. Podcast Theme: "Pipeline" by CyberSDF (