Broad Appeal

Male Gayz: Dog Day Afternoon



Tension. Psychological pressure. Chaos in the streets. DOG DAY AFTERNOON (1975) isn't exactly your typical holiday movie, but in retrospect it seems a fitting way to close out the sh*tshow that has been 2016 (as well as our mini-series The Male Gayz). Having started the season cruising with killers, Al Pacino finishes it by robbing a bank -- in one of the most high-wire performances he ever gave. He's a 70s "everyman" caught between two lives, two very different wives, and more social and sexual pressures than any psyche can possibly contain. Just before they head off for a New Year's respite, Seán and Brian give their rapt attention to this unclassifiable masterpiece of 70s filmmaking, with its incredible ensemble performances, taut editing and surprisingly modern plot twists. "I'm dying here!" says Pacino, but this movie is undeniably alive. Clips from the film presented according to fair use policy. Podcast Theme: "Pipeline" by CyberSDF (