Broad Appeal

Rebecca - BA030



Drowned wives, stately homes, and a skull-faced lesbian housekeeper: REBECCA has it all! Daphne DuMaurier's gothic romance became an Oscar-winning Alfred Hitchcock film. And at the center is.... a heroine so lacking in gumption or personality that she doesn't even have a name!! Joan Fontaine (one of the most forgettable actress from Hollywood's Golden Age) was probably the perfect choice to play the drippy, dithering second Mrs. DeWinter. Thank goodness Judith Anderson and George Sanders are there to slather on some delicious villainy. Seán read the book as an impressionable fourteen year-old, prompted by a BBC readers' poll; Brian's encountering this spectral romance for the first time. When they return to Manderley, will they be thrilled or chilled by the cut-glass accents and unrelenting noblesse oblige? Come with us into the West Wing to revisit the scene of the crime...... Clips from the film presented according to fair use policy. Podcast Theme: "Pipeline" by CyberSDF (