Broad Appeal

Barbra Streisand Good - The Way We Were - BA048



She kept her clothes and kept her space. She kept her nose to spite her face! Who else could it be but BARBRA? Simply, Barbra. Long before she was in the business of cloning domestic mammals, Barbra Streisand was an ACTRESS. And in today's unequivocally good film, THE WAY WE WERE, Babs sparkles as Katie Morosky: The earnest agitprop campus leftie who has eyes for hunky blonde, Hubbell Gardner, the only WASP known to make sweet, sweet honey. Charting the romance of two ideologically incompatible love-birds, THE WAY WE WERE is the second greatest communist romance (after REDS, of course) and leaves Seán and Brian both in love with Ms. Streisand and in sticky lust with Robert Redford. Barbra couldn’t do any wrong after this, could she? Would she? Clips from the film presented according to fair use policy. Podcast Theme: "Pipeline" by CyberSDF (