Broad Appeal

Glenda Jackson Crazy - Salome's Last Dance - BA052C



By 1988, Glenda had made six films with Ken Russell including THE MUSIC LOVERS and WOMEN IN LOVE. But though Ken didn't quite have the clout he once did, Glenda was still loyal and totally game for this high-camp, theatrical, romp complete with loads of boobs, dildo-spears, and some baffling full frontal nudity. Glenda (braying, bilious and bejeweled from head to toe) is Herodias, second wife of Herod Antipas, who has the hots for his niece/step-daughter Salome, who in turn has the hots for John the Baptist. Now imagine all this being acted out in front of Oscar Wilde himself, by a cast of bootboys and skivvies. MARAT/SADE seems tame by comparison. We discuss Ken Russell, Wilde, our own personal nudity, and the Gospels, of course. Clips from the film presented according to fair use policy. Podcast Theme: "Pipeline" by CyberSDF (