Ae Reads Skiffily

"Her Husband's Hands" by Adam-Troy Castro



In war, soldiers get eaten up and spat out. In this episode's story, "Her Husband's Hands" by Adam-Troy Castro, a woman's soldier husband is killed in combat, but brought back via digital backup to operate what is left of his body, the eponymous hands.Episode 7 features another first for AE Reads Skiffily; after reading the scifi story, Mona and AE discuss some of its content and weigh in on issues the brought up in the story, such as whether a copy of you can really be youand how people respond to grief. You can see the show notes in my blog post if you would like to follow up on the pieces mentioned in this discussion ( You can also read along to the story here: this science fiction podcast on Facebook (@SkiffilyPodcast) and Twitter (@SkiffilyPodcast). If you have Instagram, feel free to follow Mona (@sewagainsthegrain) and myself (@SkiffilyPodcast). "Her