Garo Sparo's Podcast

Gossamer Swatch Sessions: The Captain Edition



Patrick Rood a.k.a. The Captain, Vice President and co owner of Trouble & Bass Recordings, is a man of many talents that has been pushing and molding the Trouble & Bass artist roster and brand since his induction to the T&B Crew in 2007. When he's not globe trotting around as The Captain, he's at the T&B klubhaus juggling a thousand duties, from curating T&B Radio on Scion Radio 17, directing & producing music videos, art directing the next T&B release cover, managing the label releases, producing the next T&B events or designing the next T&B merch item. When he gets time to breathe he takes it to the club with his blend of House, Baltimore Breaks, Dubstep, Hip Hop, R&B and bass heavy music. And let's not forget about his mean VHS collection, love for energy drinks and the biggest sweet tooth in all of Trouble & Bass.