Syria The Truth's Podcast

Obama’s Syrian Press Pass: The Media are Loyal to the System, not to their Profession



By Margaret Kimberley; Published on Global Research, June 21, 2013 & Black Agenda Report 18 June 2013 The corporate media are the megaphones of humanitarian death, as dispensed by the U.S. and its allies. If Obama says “Assad must go,” the high-paid press do all in their power to make the public crave his blood. “The media are loyal to the system, not to their profession, their readers, or their listeners.” The existence of a compliant media plays a major role in allowing American presidents to create so much violence and chaos around the globe. Far from being a check on officialdom, the press are part and parcel of the machine which crushes so many lives in this country and abroad. Long gone are the days of the Pentagon Papers, when media outlets competed with one another to break stories which officialdom wanted to keep hidden. Now the press lords work hand in hand with politicians to make certain that they have carte blanche whenever they want it. President Obama has decided to send weapons to the co