Jon Weiler's Podcast

The Jon Weiler Podcast: January 23, 2013



In the January 23, 2013 Jon Weiler Podcast: The upcoming Survival Trial - STIII: Winterborn at the NRA Whittington Center on February 23, 2013 Upcoming Whittington U Courses - March Defensive Academy Awareness: Upcoming Firearm Registration, Mental Health and Executive Orders and The NDAA and the findings from a recent West Point "Think Tank" report Music for the Jon Weiler Podcast: Intro by Jon Seppanen "Sandy Cross" by Jon Seppanen   Notes from the Jon Weiler Podcast: Homeland Security on guard for 'right-wing extremists' ttp:// Feinstein Comments on White House Gun Control Plan: West Point center cites dangers of ‘far right’ in U.S.: Senators Demand the Military Lock Up of American Citizens in a “Battlefield” They Define as Being Right Outside Your Window: