Serpentine Galleries

Intimacies: Trailer



This new series of Serpentine Podcast explores the complexities of closeness. Released weekly from 22 August 2023, Serpentine Podcast: Intimacies asks how we can expand and evolve our intimacy with others, ourselves and the world around us.  Join our host, Gaylene Gould, as she gathers perspectives from artists, designers, writers, thinkers, and more on how we can rekindle trust, and open ourselves up to new possibilities for connection.  Confronting the slippery topics of fear, vulerability, sex, love and loneliness in art and life, the Intimacies series delves into the feelings and experiences which we don’t always voice – from our relationships with family or strangers, to the things we fear most and our deepest desires, to our surroundings and our innermost selves. Each episode combines interviews, original audio works, conversations, and pieces from the Serpentine archive. This series itself is personal, emotional, reflective, and an exploration of vulnerability in many ways.  Subscribe now to be the fi