Gb @work

Sales Managers : why is your team not motivated?



Hey there, Sales Managers- this one is for you. Ready to crack the code on motivating a sales team that's as enthusiastic as a sloth on a Monday morning? No? Then read on. Tune in to Today, we're tackling a challenge that can give even the most stoic managers a run for their coffee – how to jumpstart a team's motivation when they seem to have misplaced it. In this episode, we're delving into the art of turbocharging your team's self-motivation engines, even when the usual management hacks fall flat. From secret motivation ingredients to unleashing the power of a motivated team, we've got the inside scoop. Remember to subscribe, review, and share BasTalk with your fellow managers and team leaders who could use a bit of insight to better understand ways to engage with their teams.  Let's turn those yawns into cheers and transform the workplace into an energetic playground!