Karen Swain Atp Radio

Kelly Bowker Accelerated Spiritual Awakening



See more here: https://wp.me/p58EtD-6Jw A few years ago, after a winter filled with sickness, Kelly Bowker started seeking alternative ways to heal. She found the Wim Hoff Method and started using his breathing techniques, which allowed her to reach altered states of consciousness and later led to her ability to meditate for long periods of time. In her late 50’s during a dark night of the soul, Kelly began some counselling sessions, which began a journey healing her inner child. This was pivotal in her development. Her seeking changed her life forever and in 2022 , during her last year of teaching, Kelly began to develop her spiritual and psychic abilities. Kelly is a retired Resisted Nurse and recently retired from 23 years teaching the Certified Nursing Assistant program. Today Kelly works as an evidential medium, channel, and light language worker. She says her perception of reality has changed so completely over this last year, and her guides  teach her daily about the expansiveness of the universe. T