Business Owners & Entrepreneurs Podcast With Peter Boolkah | Business Coach | The Transition Guy®

From Subscriber to Customer: Crafting the Perfect Email Campaign



Today, we're unlocking the intricacies of email marketing. In an age where new digital platforms emerge almost daily, the humble email stands its ground as a powerful marketing medium. But why?My guest expert, Kyle Stout, delves into why email marketing is still a cornerstone in the digital marketing toolkit, even amidst the booming rise of social media. From crafting effective content for nurturing campaigns to the debate over organic vs. purchased email lists, we cover it all. We also explore strategies to re-engage subscribers who've gone silent and discuss the art of designing compelling marketing emails.Beyond the present, we gaze into the future. How will emerging technologies like AI and machine learning reshape the landscape of email marketing? And what challenges do businesses face in this realm today?This episode is a goldmine for business owners, digital marketers, or anyone curious about the evolving dynamics of digital communication. Whether you're looking to refine your current em