Your Money, Your Wealth

Early Retirement Withdrawals & Capital Gains Tax Explained - 441



Does the math work for Chris’ early retirement plan? What’s a safe retirement withdrawal rate for Luke, who wants to be part of the financial independence / retire early or FIRE movement - and what does Joe have against FIRE? Plus, Jake is about to change jobs, can Joe and Big Al uncover any tax planning opportunities for him? The fellas also explain capital gains tax for our buddy Carl Spackler, and they spitball on those capital gains when it comes to selling a house for Olga and for LJ, and Jim wonders about the impact of selling a house on Affordable Care Act subsidies.  Timestamps: 00:54 - Early Retirement Spitball: Does the Math Work? (Chris, Philadelphia) 04:27 - FIRE Withdrawal Rate for Long-Term Capital Preservation? (Luke, Ft. Collins, CO) 14:26 - We’re 38 and 33. Any Tax Planning Opportunities Before I Change Jobs? (Jake, VA) 20:48 - Capital Gains Tax Explained (Carl Spackler, FL) 23:55 - House Sale Tax Strategy (Olga, Chula Vista) 26:32 - Do I Need to Worry About Investment Property Sale Proceeds