Liberty Sessions With Nada Jones | Celebrating Women Who Do & Inspiring Women Who Can |

Is the “Balanced Life” a Lie We’ve All Been Pursuing?: Samantha Ettus



Samantha Ettus is a work/life wellness expert, keynote speaker, bestselling author, entrepreneur, Forbes contributor, and Founder of—Whew, that took a minute!  This lady is serious about helping people lead more fulfilled lives!When Samantha went Harvard Business School, she was the only entrepreneur in her class—hard to imagine these days. She knew she wanted to do something different with her life but wasn’t sure what.  After graduating, Samantha launched Ettus Media Management, a personal branding firm. There she worked with many CEOs and field experts to create healthy boundaries and make meaningful changes that would lead to fulfilled personal and professional lives. Through her hard work and focus, she has become an expert in work/life wellness. Since launching, Samantha has shifted her focus to women. She supports women who want to work, have a family, be involved in their communities and be fulfilled. For Samantha it is not a “work/life balance” but a “pie for life”