Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach

Come to Your Senses as You Write



On a sunny spring day, I sat with seven homeschoolers on a stretch of grass for a creative writing session. The older kids started to fidget before we even started. "What are we doing out here?" "We’re going to see what’s around us." A fifth grader pointed with his pen. "I see sky, clouds, cars, building. Done." The others laughed. "We’re going to be quiet and listen, too," I added. "I hear birds. Done." More chuckles. "Before we write," I began, "Let’s look at the sky. What color is it?" Someone said blue. "What kind of blue? There are so many blues. Is it dark blue like these navy pants? Or is it blue like turquoise? Or is it the kind of blue you want to swim in? Or the color of your mom’s eyes?" They looked up. "Write down phrases that describe this particular blue at this particular moment of this particular day. Compare it to other things that are blue." They studied the sky, and one by one, each started writing. "What else do you see—you mentioned clouds. What kind of