Your Money, Your Wealth

Are Roth Conversions Really As Good as They Sound? - 440



Christine isn’t sure that Roth conversions are all they’re cracked up to be. Erick needs a retirement spitball analysis for his Roth conversions, annuities, and the real estate in his self-directed IRA, Billy the disgruntled attorney wants to know if he can retire now, and Zach wonders just how bad is it to rely on the lottery for retirement? But first, Joe and Big Al spitball military retirement strategies. Timestamps: 01:16 - I'm 22, Military. Should I Be Spending More Instead of Saving So Much? (Cole - voice) 06:19 - I'm 27. How Should I Max Out Military and Second Job Retirement Contributions? (Adam) 09:08 - Retiring With Pensions at Ages 59 & 63. Is Our Retirement Plan Sound? (Scott, AL) 16:55 - I’m Not Sure Roth Conversions Are as Good as They Sound! (Christine, Seattle) 26:44 - Roth Conversion, Annuities, Real Estate in Self-Directed IRA Strategy? (Erick, CA) 37:23 - Can a Disgruntled Attorney Quit and Retire Now? (Billy, Joplin, MO) 39:53 - Just How Bad an Idea Is Relying on the Lottery for Retir