Angels Don't Lie With Jeanne Street

Author’s Compass from Dream to Deal: Exploring Publishing Success with Richelle Fredson



Hey there, lovely listeners!  Welcome to the Unconditionally Loved podcast—I'm Jeanne Street, and I am absolutely thrilled to have you join me today.  We have a very special treat for you today—a dear friend of mine, the incredible Richelle Fredson, is here! She's known as the "six-figure book deal coach," and trust me, she's a publishing genius. Richelle's journey in the industry is truly inspiring. With 15 years of experience at Hay House Inc., working directly with amazing authors like Louise Hay, she brings a wealth of knowledge and insider stories that you won't want to miss. But that's not all—she founded her own company, guiding both aspiring and established authors in expanding their impact and transforming the way we talk about important topics. Picture this: Richelle's sharp instincts and expertise have helped authors secure mind-blowing deals with top publishers—millions of dollars worth! How amazing is that? And her list of clients reads like a who's who of the literary world—Farnoosh Torabi, Chri