Rosenfeld Media

Jenae Cohn on Designing for Learning



Jenae Cohn is executive director at the Center for Teaching and Learning at UC Berkeley and, along with Michael Greer, author of the new book Design for Learning: User Experience in Online Teaching and Learning. Jenae and Michael’s book helps designers create compelling educational content. Think of it as required reading for anyone designing an online course, webinar, training, or workshop. Designing a platform intended to educate goes beyond traditional UX design. Jenae’s book does the following: • Looks at the science behind learning and articulates how to help someone be a learner • Helps designers understand the complex array of needs that learners have and create more purposeful learning experiences Learning is motivated by social interactions and emotions. In fact, the learning process is typically social, and most are motivated knowing that they’re not learning in isolation but in or for community. Designers should capitalize on these motivations. Tips for making online learning more social: •