
Episode 112 - SaskScapes in the Summer - with Jeffery Straker



Original broadcast November 16, 2015The hit song "Slings and Arrows from the title track of the album has been the opening and closing theme for SaskScapes thanks to Jeffery Straker! The Saskatchewan born singer/songwriter has established himself as one of the most successful (and busiest) artists this province has produced, and has gone on to international acclaim.  Kevin Power joins Jeffery in a conversation that is more fun than two people ought to have in a podcast!  And, it's another "6 degrees" moment as Jeffery reveals his musical lineage which connects him to Beethoven and Chopin. Even Jeffery is part of Taron Cochran's 6-degrees world.Support the show==============================================SaskScapes is a podcast featuring the stories of arts, culture and heritage in Saskatchewan. The series is produced and hosted by Kevin Power. To sponsor your own episodes contact SaskScapes via Twitter, Facebook or email (saskscapes (at) icloud (dot) com for more information. Reviews