Career Revolution With Dr. Ck Bray | A Place To Fix, Change Or Create Your Best Career

Episode 487 The Digital Declutter Plan: Part 2



Welcome to part 2 of The Digital Declutter Plan. In this week’s episode, Dr. Bray dives deeper into steps two and three. Learn how and what technology to integrate back into your life, while maintaining a healthy digital lifestyle. Cal Newport's three-step digital declutter plan is designed to help individuals regain control over their digital lives and create a healthier relationship with technology. The plan consists of three key steps: the first is to take a break from optional digital technologies for a defined period of time, usually 30 days. This break allows individuals to reflect on their digital habits and identify which technologies truly add value to their lives. The second step involves reintroducing digital tools selectively, based on the assessment made during the break. By intentionally choosing which technologies to reintegrate, individuals can ensure that their digital usage aligns with their values and goals. Lastly, the third step encourages individuals to establish practices and rules to m