Solo Parent Society

Relationship Killers Part 1 with Jen Pollock Michel



Fund Conversations that Matter: donate.accessmore.comWelcome to the first part of our series, "Relationship Killers," with today's focus being "hurry." We often overlook the frenzied pace at which we lead our lives. Living in constant haste negatively impacts not only our minds and bodies but, most notably, our relationships. One question we need to ask ourselves is: How can we establish a healthier relationship with time, the one resource we can't increase? We're privileged to have Jen Pollock Michel with us today to explore this topic further. Jen is a renowned speaker, coach, podcast host, and award-winning author of five books. Her latest work, "In Good Time: 8 Habits for Reimagining Productivity, Resisting Hurry, and Practicing Peace," is particularly relevant to our discussion. Together, we'll delve into strategies for reimagining productivity, resisting the urge to rush, and instilling peace in our daily lives. Tune in as we unpack how to foster a healthier relationship with time, to enhance not just o