Love Your Story

Episode: 250 The Kindness Effect: One Woman’s Journey to Heal through Compassion – Interview Megan Snedden



Episode: 250 The Kindness Effect: One Woman's Journey to Heal through Compassion - Interview Megan SneddenWelcome to the Love Your Story PodcastWhen Megan lost her father in a plane crash and her brother in a car accident, her heart and life plummeted. Mental health issues brought her to rock bottom, but sitting at the bottom and looking up, she choose to find happiness despite her despair. On today’s show she tells us her story and introduces us to The Kind Effect, a movement she started that includes a 3-day Random Acts of Kindness Challenge. Stay tuned for her take on why “practicing random acts of kindness is a good way for people to introduce more regular joy into their lives and their stories…. I think she’s got some good stories to share.Megan Sneeden is the founder of af kindness movement the Kind Effect. She says, “The journey of advocating and sharing kindness hasn't been plain sailing, but kindness has taught me vital lessons.” Today Megan is here with us, and I’m looking forward to hearing her sto