Jim And Them

Barbenheimer - #779 Part 1



Barbenheimer: Movie theaters are back baby! Barbenheimer has taken over the entertiainment world as Barbie and Oppenheimer are sweeping the nation. Mike has seen Barbie and Jim has seen both, LET'S GO! Matthew Nolan: So, apparently Christopher Nolan's older brother is a hired killer that has a code name "Oppenheimer"? Are we championing the wrong Nolan!? Dear David: A horror movie based off of a viral Twitter thread from the guy that makes awful Internet comics, what could go wrong!? LETS JUST TALK!, BOOGIE NIGHTS!, BARBENHEIMER!, POP CULTURE!, MEME!, SWEEPING THE NATION!, BARBIE!, OPPENHEIMER!, GRETA GERWIG!, CHRISTOPHER NOLAN!, ZEITGEIST!, POPPING OFF!, FULL!, SOLD OUT!, COSTUMES!, BLONDE WIGS!, LADIES!, THEYDIES!, GAYDIES!, STIMMING!, ROCKING BACK AND FORTH!, JOE BERRY!, IMPRESSIONS!, BOMBED!, THE CRAFT!, NEVE CAMPBELL!, SELMA BLAIR!, FAIRUZA BALK!, MTV MOVIE AWARDS!, BRITTANY MURPHY!, MEMENTO!, NETFLIX!, PUNISHER!, DAREDEVIL!, DISNEY+!, THE MARVELS!, WANDAVISION!, MS MARVEL!, JEB!, SPUD!, INSOMNIA!, T