Bringing Design Closer With Gerry Scullion

Heather Hansen ‘Unmuted: Breaking Language Barriers and Redefining Communication in Organizations’



Hello and welcome to another episode of This is HCD. I'm delighted to have you with me for another cracking episode this time with Heather Hansen.. author of the book Unmuted a fantastic book for anyone practicing their craft in organisations who strive to improve comprehension, understanding and better and more effective use of language. As many of you will probably know, my name is Gerry Scullion and I'm a service designer based in Ireland. I offer service design training, user experience design training and also my Visualisation Methods for Change Makers course on my website and offer this in house for businesses. So if you're in an organisation and looking for training, please get in touch with me. So let me tell you about Heather. Heather is based in Singapore where they run Global Speech Academy, an organisation focussed on improving the quality of communication across the departments and teams. We chat in great detail about language bias. Heather comes from the US and we speak about all of that jargon