Heart To Heart With Anna

Adults with Heart Defects on "The Hill"



How can members of the congenital heart defect (CHD) community lobby for change in today's laws in the United States? One thing they can do is to come together as a unified group to speak to their lawmakers and request, in a collective voice, for changes to occur.This is how the Congenital Heart Futures Act came into effect. Members of the Adult Congenital Heart Association (ACHA) organized a coalition of members to storm the Hill together to request more government money being spent on those with congenital heart defects. Today's episode will feature 2 ACHA members who met with lawmakers on the Hill to discuss the future of those born with congenital heart defects.If you've ever wondered how you could take a stand a make a difference, not only for today's survivors but for all future survivors, you won't want to miss this show.Just a quick shout-out to all of the amazing supporters who like, share, and comment on our program via Facebook and Instagram. Thank you all!Support the showA