Heart To Heart With Anna

Hope for Heart Babies Diagnosed In Utero



What happens when you are pregnant and go in for a routine ultrasound only to discover your baby has a heart defect? How do you handle the news? What options are you given? Even though congenital heart defects are the number one birth defect, there aren't many people who talk about it and it's not a widely known fact. Today we'll talk with three mothers who have been there -- who found out in utero, not only that their babies would be born with a heart defect, but that they would be born with critical congenital heart defects requiring surgery in their first year of life. (Thanks to David Castillo Dominici at FreeDigitalPhotos.net for the beautiful photo.)Just a quick shout-out to all of the amazing supporters who like, share, and comment on our program via Facebook and Instagram. Thank you all!Support the showAnna's Buzzsprout Affiliate LinkBaby Blue Sound CollectiveSocial Media Pages:Apple PodcastsFacebookInstagramMeWeTwitterYouTubeWebsite