Heart To Heart With Anna

Wild Things! When ACHDers Rebel



Being born with the most common birth defect still means you're not like everyone else. Going through the teen and young adult years is difficult for everyone, but it's even more difficult for survivors of congenital heart defects. Unlike their peers, Survivors frequently have to take medication, have to see their cardiologist regularly and sometimes even have to have additional surgery. What happens when a teen or young adult has had enough!? How do teens with congenital heart heart defects rebel? Today's show will feature a man and a woman who both rebelled as teens. They will share their experiences with us, and more importantly, the lessons they learned. (Thanks to photostock at FreeDigitalPhotos.net for the image.)Just a quick shout-out to all of the amazing supporters who like, share, and comment on our program via Facebook and Instagram. Thank you all!Support the showAnna's Buzzsprout Affiliate LinkBaby Blue Sound CollectiveSocial Media Pages:Apple PodcastsFacebookInstagramMeWeTwitt