Heart To Heart With Anna

How CPS Almost Destroyed a Heart Family



Child Protective Services is supposed to help children who may be neglected or abused but what kind of damage can they exact when they interfere with a family who has a child with a complicated medical history -- including a congenital heart defect?How could this organization pull a family apart? Did the child’s congenital heart defect play a pivotal role in CPS’ decision to remove that child from the family? How can other families safeguard their own families from a similar event occurring?We’ll discover the answers to those questions and more in today’s show which is entitled “How Child Protective Services Almost Destroyed One Heart Family.”Special thanks to jesadaphorn of www.freedigitalphotos.net for the use of the image in on this page.Just a quick shout-out to all of the amazing supporters who like, share, and comment on our program via Facebook and Instagram. Thank you all!Support the showAnna's Buzzsprout Affiliate LinkBaby Blue Sound CollectiveSocial Media Pages:Apple PodcastsFacebookInstagramMe