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LABELS - pt6 - Pure In Heart



In “Pure In Heart”, Rodney shares that the next recognizable label you should desire to wear as a Christ-follower is the label of “Pure In Heart.” We tend to think of sin as primarily something visible or seen, but God is actually more concerned with where that sin originates – the heart. Like people who slap on paint to a dilapidated house on the verge of being condemned, we hopelessly try to paint ourselves outwardly to cover up the fact we are inwardly a complete shambles, and broken-down mess. God is as concerned with what is going on inside you as much as what is happening outside you. During the time of Jesus, the Pharisee was obsessed with keeping himself outwardly and ceremonially clean. The Jews had 613 laws they were supposed to obey, and the Pharisees tried their best to keep everyone of them. Their over concentration on outward appearance led their hearts astray from true intimate relationship. Their religion became about a bunch of rules instead of love. King David realized that his feebl