Tallberg Foundation Podcast

Unwrapping the Riddle That Is Mexico



Mexico is on the one hand a country that is chronically beset by drug cartels, violence, femicide, corruption, poverty, and political shenanigans. On the other hand, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Mexico’s president, commands approval ratings of around 60% and almost half of all Mexicans say their country is on the right path. And more than two-thirds of Mexicans expect life to be better for them and their children five years from now. Mexicans, not known for being optimists, apparently are optimistic. Why? Jorge Castañeda is a leading Mexican academic and author, as well as a former foreign minister and an expert on foreign policy; indeed, he is one of his country’s best known, most incisive commentators on all things political. He thinks Mexico is in trouble. What do you think?