Career Revolution With Dr. Ck Bray | A Place To Fix, Change Or Create Your Best Career

Episode 484 Getting the Recognition You Crave



We all have a deep need to receive the recognition we think we deserve. Unfortunately, the world around us and the people in it don’t always supply the applause and recognition in a quantity that satisfies us. In today’s podcast, Dr. Bray discusses how we can reconcile our desire for appreciation with the short supply of it in our daily life. He will share four tools based on the research and writing of Jennifer Keluskar, Ph.D. This is a great podcast if you feel you are working hard in your professional or personal life and not getting the recognition you deserve. To learn more, check out Dr. Jennifer Keluskar’s article on Relationships and Getting the Recognition You Crave in the May-June 2023 Psychology Today magazine. QUOTES BY DR. BRAY “People want to be seen.” “We can’t tie our recognition to something outside our control.”