Connect With Rodney Cundiff

LABELS - pt5 - Mercy



In “Mercy”, Rodney shares that mercy is what we don’t always like to give, but always praying to receive. Mercy is often associated with a negative context of not dispensing consequences, punishment, or wrath that is deserved because of wrong behavior, or less than what is appropriate, or expectations. Mercy is more than us letting an offense go, or feeling bad for the plight of someone. Mercy includes actions taken to alleviate suffering whenever possible. It is amazing some of us are more motivated to alleviate the pain and suffering of an animal than that of a fellow human made in the likeness and image of God. What does it say about us when we are unmoved, lack feeling, or empathy when we see suffering and don’t respond? A feeling, or thought has never saved, rescued, healed, given, served, or ministered to anyone. Mercy includes actions taken to alleviate suffering whenever possible. When you realize how merciful God has been to you, you will respond with mercy to others, far and near, who need i