Freed 2 Love Podcast

Finding Resilience after Loss: Navigating Life as a Widow with Antoinette Gaynor



In this episode, you will learn the following :Healing Process: Antoinette emphasizes the importance of taking the healing process one step at a time, much like writing a book. She compares the process of grief to writing a book, where one chapter, one paragraph, or even one sentence is written at a time. By breaking it down, it becomes more manageable and less overwhelming.Redefining Identity: Antoinette advises widows to maintain their individual identity even within a marriage. She shares that having separate interests and hobbies outside of the relationship can help immensely during the grieving process. This separation enables a widow to maintain their sense of self and makes it easier to transition into life after the loss of a spouse.Financial Preparedness: Antoinette emphasizes the importance of financial preparedness for both spouses. She shares her experience of having financial conversations with her husband and knowing the specifics of their finances. This knowledge helped her navigate her financi