Hp Oddcast®

HP Oddcast®™ with Steve Willis Episode VI Pt II



https://hpproductions.net/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/HP-Oddcast-with-Steve-Willis-Episode-VI-Pt-II.m4a Welcome to Episode VI Pt II of HP Oddcast®™with Steve Willis. In this Episode we talk to Steve Willis about his experience in the ring and if he thinks corruption is wide spread throughout boxing. We talk about if boxing will soon be outlawed and if they ought to have a new stat in boxing entitled "Smelliest Fighter" Also please help me welcome special guest co-host, Allie Klein as he sits in and contributes his comedic wit and talent to this Episode VI Pt I of HP Oddcast®™with Steve Willis So do your self a huge favor and listen to Episode VI Pt II of HP Oddcast®™with Steve Willis and realize for yourself how very underestimated this person really is. Also like my Facebook page HP Oddcast®™ If you like what you hear please support the arts, thank you!!!.