Quantum Conversations: With Karen Curry Parker

Heart Imagery with Daniel Mitel



Please join me for this powerful Quantum Conversation with Daniel Mitel.  Daniel invites us to literally take a journey into our hearts.  We can’t live in our hearts if we are not in the heart of who we are. I followed Daniels heart imagery meditation from his book, Journeys into the Heart, and saw myself standing in my physical heart.  As I felt the pink, pulsing walls around me, I was blown away by the love available in my own heart.  Just one little visual journey into my heart and my entire perspective on the world changed. Just one little visual journey into my heart and I had a powerful touchstone experience of what it feels like to be in my heart. The love that resides in our hearts is our most creative energy.  It’s also the energy that connects us to each other.  You can not be in your heart and feel the rich, unconditional nature of true love without experiencing tremendous compassion for your divine brothers and sisters. If the magnetic field of the earth synchronizes and connects us through the be