Quantum Conversations: With Karen Curry Parker

Change your brain, change the world with Dawson Church



We know we are powerful beyond what we realize and yet, we struggle to fulfill our potential. Many of us use this struggle to reinforce self-defeating patterns, old thoughts and beliefs that keep us from tapping into the truth of who we are. We are all part of an infinite super-intelligent mind that has the capacity to create in ways we maybe can’t even imagine. But our brains - that place where we think our true mind is stored - are actually just organs, no different from kidneys, hearts, lungs and even skin…. The brain is part of the body and, like the muscles you try to work out at the gym, the brain can be trained and conditioned, strengthened and used as a master organ to create vitality, longevity and joy. It takes self-mastery and a willingness to crack open the door to your perceived limitations to begin to use your brain better than you’re using it now. Research shows that you don’t have to be stuck in old stories, limitations and pain any more. The brain and the body remembers and the memories keep